The current date & time are returned by Sys.date() & Sys.time().

In R, we can get the user information from Sys.info() or whoami() from the whoami package. You can clear the screen by pressing Ctrl + L as well. date # Wed Jun 10 22:45:Ĭal will display a formatted calendar and clear will clear all text on the screen and display a new prompt. whoami # aravindĭate will display or change the value of the system’s time and date information. Use it to verify the user as which you are logged into the system. Whoami prints the effective user id i.e. the name of the user who runs the command. We have listed more references at the end of the tutorial for the benefit of the readers.

Software Carpentry too has a lesson on shell. If you want a deeper understanding of using command line for data science, we suggest you read Data Science at the Command Line.